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About internships

A stage or internship is training experience directly linked to your study course and your career objectives. It can be done during or after your studies.

Internship types


A curricular stage or internship is inserted in your learning career and you will be awarded a number of university formative credits (CFU) for it, as established in your study plan. For activation, a curricular internship must comply with the contents of your degree course guidelines.
The duration of a curricular internship is predetermined according to the work and time required to obtain the planned CFU (in terms of hours) needed for individual degree courses. It is completed by the final assessment of academic achievement by a university tutor.

Curricular internships require a tutor in the hosting company, whose duties are to include the student/graduate in the company, follow the stage activities, coordinate the activity of the intern and write the final assessment report. Additionally, interns need an academic tutor who ensures the internship achieves the teaching and training aims of the project, guarantees coordination with the hosting company and assesses the intern's essays/works and the report on the experience.  


This kind of stage is training that can be considered work experience. You can select a company or a public/private body that has an agreement with the Politecnico di Milano for this sort of stage.

To activate the internship you must be sure it meets all the requirements listed in your degree course's guidelines.

Involved players

The organisation of a University Internship requires specific procedures that must be carried out at different times by the parties involved - the intern, the company and the Politecnico.

To standardise the fundamental steps of internship management, the university's Career Service offers appropriate IT support, the portale dei tirocini [internship portal] at